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Quarter I

THY 101.   Machine Shorthand Theory I. 


TEK 101.  Computer and CaseCATalyst Navigation


Quarter II

THY 102.  Machine Shorthand Theory II., 60 wpm.

TEK 102.  CaseCATalyst Dictionary/File Management


Quarter  III

THY 103.  Machine Shorthand Theory III

SBD 101.    Speedbuilding to 80 wpm

TEK 103.  CaseCATalyst Editing Technique


Quarter IV

SBD 201.  Speedbuilding to 120 wpm

ENG 101.  English Grammar and Punctuation

TEK 401.  CaseCATalyst Printing and Delivery


Quarter V

SBD 301. Speedbuilding to 140 wpm

ENG 102. English Vocabulary*; Resumes, Cover Letters

​TEK 501.  CaseCATalyst Includes and Page Layouts


Quarter VI

SBD 401.  Speedbuilding to 160 wpm

MED 101.  Learn Medical Terminology

MED 102.  Steno Medical Terminology


Quarter  VII

SBD 501.  Speedbuilding to 180 wpm

LAW 101.  Legal Terminology, Civil and Criminal Law

TEK 601.   CaseCATalyst Power Defines, Macros


Quarter  VIII

SBD 601.  Speedbuilding to 200 wpm

LAW 102. Court Reporting and Notary Procedures

TEK 701.  CaseCAT EZ Speakers, Title Pages


Quarter IX

SBD 701.  Speedbuilding to 225 wpm

CRC 500.  Intro to CART and Broadcast Captioning


Quarter X

RPR 700.  Certification Test Preparation - RPR, CRC

RPR 800.  Internship - 30 hours


Note:  Courses may be offered in different order. Some self-paced courses can be completed at any time.  Consult catalog.

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