Hardeman School
of Court Reporting & Captioning, LLC

The next Theory class begins April 8, 2025. Applications must be received by March 15.
Discover the Rewards of Becoming a Court Reporter or Captioner
Enjoy a Prestigious Career
People exclaim, "I always wanted to be a court reporter!" or "I'll bet that's an interesting job!" You will be a member of an association of respected professionals.
Enjoy Being Part of the Judicial Process
Court Reporters are an indispensable part of our legal process. Whether reading back to the jury, taking rulings at the bench, or traveling for depositions, court reporters provide the official record of proceedings.
Enjoy Career Flexibility
There is no glass ceiling with stenographic careers. You advance based on ability and hard work. If you take time off for parenting or care-taking, you can come back to what you were doing before, like riding a bike.
Provide Communication Access as a Realtime CART Captioner
Take your steno skills to TV, the Classroom, Conventions, and the Web. The ADA and FCC have mandated captions so that people who are deaf or have hearing loss will have equal communication access!
Enjoy Earning Good Money
Official Court Reporters work for a court system and earn a salary and benefits, which may include additional pay for transcripts ordered. Freelance Reporters earn money by the page and per diem for travel to the job, with extra pay for expedited transcripts and realtime feeds. Captioners are paid by the hour and can set their own schedules.
Work from Home or On-Site
Freelance Realtime Captioners may choose to provide captions to TV from home, or provide on-site captions to a large screen at a convention, or provide Web-streamed captions for all types of meetings, from legislative sessions to classroom lectures to corporate trainings.
Current HardemanSCRC Students